Issues and Solutions

Economy and Job Creation

Florida, managed with Republican majorities in the legislature, is the envy of the other 49 states in the Union. We operate with budget surpluses and no state income or estate taxes. Democrat run states operate with huge budget deficits and impose these taxes. Thirteen states, all Democrat controlled, have estate taxes which severely burden middle class people who own a home that has substantially appreciated. Upon their death, their appreciated home, as part of their estate, is subject to taxes up to 20%. In Florida, we don’t want reckless spending that leads to punitive taxation which is why we must maintain Republican majorities in our state legislature. 

I support capitalism, the most successful economic system in terms of providing the overall highest standards of living and unlimited opportunities for those who want to work hard. I am an advocate of the American Dream! The Democrats advocate what appears to be unlimited government spending. Our national deficit is $35 trillion dollars and rising! We don’t want these types of policies in Florida. In states where the Democrats control the state legislature, they pass laws to heavily tax and regulate every aspect of corporate activity and individuals’ lives. Many Democrat states are now providing up to $1,000 a month in guaranteed income, not to mention all the other state welfare benefit programs, including the benefits to newly arrived illegal immigrants. As an example of what happens when the voters don’t pay attention to the make up of their state legislatures, we can look to California, which was a Republican state until 1992. The Democrat party in California has slowly enacted these destructive policies over the years. Now residents and businesses are fleeing California and their current state budget deficit is over 60 billion dollars. Same holds true for New York, Illinois and all other Democrat controlled states. We want to continue to have sane, strong economic policies that protect business and residents alike, with no state income or estate taxes.  PROTECT THE FLORIDA DREAM. 


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True Advocacy for the Mentally Ill and Disabled

In Florida, we have the funds to provide the necessary services for the mentally ill and disabled, but the layers of bureaucracy consume the funds allocated for these populations without effective results. I speak from experience as I have spent the last 10 years helping my severely, mentally ill sister find housing and other services. It’s virtually impossible to find supportive housing for the mentally ill. We can’t complain about the homeless if we don’t help them. The same holds true for the physically and mentally disabled. My twin, disabled adult sons are living proof that the state bureaucracy and its bloated programs are not providing real services for the disabled. The funds are feeding the bureaucracy but not helping the disabled receive training, transportation through Special Transportation Services and supportive housing. All these programs must be audited for results, modified and streamlined.                                                                                                                          

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Law and Order

Every American deserves to be safe and one of government’s primary purposes is to provide that safety and protection. I support the police and prosecution of crimes. The Democrats’ insane policies of defunding the police, decriminalizing theft and assault, and no bail for violent criminals is causing record numbers of murders, assaults and robberies. We don’t want the rampant crime and businesses closing as is happening in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City and Chicago. We must support our police and enforce the law.



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The Democrats’ open border policy of allowing everyone who crosses the border to stay is overwhelming our hospitals, schools and social serivce network for citizens and legal residents. It is not sustainable and is chipping away at the quality of everyone’s life everyday.  The influx of illegal immigrants into the U.S. is bringing crime, drugs and diseases we haven’t experienced in decades. The Democrats care about bringing in future voters, no matter the cost to the American taxpayer. I care about you and the legal immigrants who are following our immigration laws. The border must be closed to the illegal wave of unvetted, unknown persons, 99% of whom have no true asylum claim under U.S. law and will never show up for a court date up to 10 years in the future. 

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A quality education is the cornerstone of success. Education provides the access to opportunities for everyone. I firmly believe in a school curriculum that provides a strong foundation in reading, writing, math and science. We must leave the culturally and racially divisive theories out of our children’s classrooms. I support the voucher program for private school choice. I also believe our communities need more charter and magnet schools to provide choice, especially for students in lower income, underperforming schools. We should teach financial literacy in our schools. Students should graduate from high school with a basic understanding of how money works which will in turn help to promote independent, successful adults. I believe there is a strong role for vocational and computer technical training in our schools. Some students don’t want the 4-year college degree path and this type of training  provides options to pursue other careers. I strongly support working with business in our communities who provide internships for classroom credit and other on site training to prepare students for the workforce. 

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I strongly support Israel as our close ally and friend. I’m very concerned about the Democrats unreasonable, irrational and continuing attempts to enter into agreements with Iran, a major sponsor of terrorism. The Biden administration’s waiver and lack of enforcement of the economic sanctions against Iran allows Iran to fund their terrorists operations. Biden’s policies are directly responsible for the events of October 7, 2023 where Hamas, funded by Iran, invaded Israel and massacred innocent citizens, including babies. In April of 2024, Iran attacked Israel for the first time in history. Biden’s constant attempts to appease Iran, like his Democrat predecessor, Obama, should concern all Americans. Iran wishes death to America and Israel. Forget the Iran Nuclear Deal and focus on more agreements like the Abraham Accords to bring peace, prosperity and stability to the region.


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                                                      Combat Flooding and Protect the Environment

I fully support Governor De Santis’ new comprehensive laws establishing the Statewide Office of Resilience to plan and implement projects throughout the state to build the necessary infrastructure to combat sea level rising and flooding. I have the necessary skills to maximize allocation of the funds from Tallahassee that we need in our coastal communities to build the drainage and infrastructure to combat flooding. I also believe in the need to keep our waterways and beaches free from dangerous fertilizers that cause red tide and extensive growth of Sargassum Seaweed. Steps are being taken, especially in and around the Everglades to accomplish this goal and we have to keep on fighting. 

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Lower Property Insurance Rates and Reduce Condo Reserve Requirements


We must bring down property insurance rates in Florida by encouraging more insurance carriers to underwrite policies in our state. Recent legislation enacted in 2022 is a big step toward achieving that goal. I will work hard to push that very important agenda forward.

The recent legislation passed in reponse to the collapse of Champlain Towers South must be revised due to the unintended consequences of extremely high special assessments that will force people out of their homes at a time when finding a home, especially in South Florida is so difficult. Additionally, these unnecessarily high assessments are severely decreasing demand and will wreak havoc with prices. 

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Reproductive Rights

I support women’s rights to make decisions about their reproductive health, including birth control and abortion.  As Republicans and Independents, we understand the importance of liberty to make choices in one’s life. Government control of citizens’ lives is the goal of Democrats, not us. Abortion is a personal, medical decision. Many women must seek an abortion at different times, sometimes later into pregnancy, because of serious maternal health issues, the fetus has severe abnormalities or no chance of survival. Rape and incest victims must not be victimized again by being forced to give birth. I am not pro-abortion. I understand the pro-life position also. They should make their voices heard and provide alternative services and options for pregnant women.

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Affordable Housing

We need affordable housing in South Florida. In 2023, the Live Local Act was passed to encourage the construction of affordable housing using areas in municipalities that are zoned for commercial, industrial or mixed use. This law should encourage developers to build apartments for low and median income Floridians. I support the legislation but I do believe that the state government will have to work with municipalities in our coastal communities in South Florida in determining the density and height restrictions because of our flooding, infrastructure and parking concerns. Before construction begins on these buildings, the municipalities must be able to weigh in on the increased traffic concerns, capacity of schools and medical facilities, to name a few. Also, the parking requirements of these buildings must follow standard parking building codes. We don’t have enough parking as it is.

On Tuesday, August 20 (Primary Election) and November 5, 2024,
Vote Melinda Almonte for Florida House of Representatives District 106

On Tuesday, August 20, 2024,
Vote in the Republican Primary
for Melinda Almonte for
Florida House of Representatives District 106

and on November 5, 2024 in the General Election.

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Melinda Almonte, Republican, for Florida House of Representatives, District 106.
PO Box 20252, St. Petersburg, FL 33742

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